On Saturday 22 March 2008 08:36:24 am Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Mar 2008, John wrote:
> > After many years of relying on the middle mouse button for pasting text,
> > I recently upgraded one of my machines to openSUSE 10.3 and the middle
> > button no longer works quickly or reliably for any app (not just LyX). I
> > now need to click up to 4 times and wait before it works.
> John,
>    Over the years I discovered that the middle button (actually, the two
> simultaneously for my 2-button trackballs) works as advertised on most
> console apps (pine and slrn being exceptions), but not with many GUI apps.
> What does work with these is holding the Shift key while pressing the two
> rodent or trackball buttons. Don't try to understand, just go with the flow
> and use the Shift key when needed. :-)
Who am I to spurn such hard won knowledge!

Thanks Rich
John O'Gorman
> Rich

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