Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:
2. I suggest a direct link to the visual tour, or at least the screenshots, in the left margin. When I'm shopping for software, that's usually one of the first things I seek out, and I'll sometimes not bother poking around a site if I can't see screenshots early on.

I think those are great suggestions. What do you suggest for the "visual tour" aspect? Just to sum up, currently there is a link on the sidebar that says "Visual Tour."

Was that there before?  Can't believe I missed it.

When the user clicks there, he/she gets links to the three different "Visual Tour"-type things that have been created: Screencasts, Screenshots, and Walkthrough. I included one screenshot below those links for the instant gratification of visitors. I was thinking of just choosing one visual introduction (i.e. the most impressive one) to link to from the sidebar, but then people might not ever see the other stuff. What do you think?

I think the current setup is fine. At the risk of redundancy, it might be worth including a direct link to the screenshots on the left of the main page, under the visual tour link. Arriving at the home page, I might interpret "visual tour" as "lengthy Flash demo", and I'm reluctant to spend time watching a video unless I'm pretty sure I'm interested in the program -- which I confirm partly by looking at screenshots. But I may be atypical in that regard.


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