
I am helping my girlfriend to make a harvard style citation with Jurabib in LyX. First I tried it with Natbib, but doing it with Natbib is rather difficult especially as her works are to be written in languages other than English (Natbib can not really put authors in small caps and many BibTeX styles compatible with Natbib do not look good for, say, German, Spanish or Croatian papers). And the harvard package is–as far as I can see–not working in LyX.

Anyway, Jurabib offers everything needed. Telling from a post in 2003 off the German TeX-list, Jurabib is configurable for a harvard style as in (Author, 2008: 27): http://groups.google.com/group/de.comp.text.tex/browse_thread/thread/b00600f956c569f5/dbd521c31a89cf72?lnk=st&q=jurabib+doppelpunkt#dbd521c31a89cf72 However, in LyX it seems to conflict when with the citation commands in LyX. The most compatible solution seems to be the default citation command (taken from LyX’ source view):


with this setup in the LaTeX preamble:


Unfortunately, it does not produce the desired output, it produces something like: (Eco 2003: 11). What I need now is a comma between author and year: (Eco, 2003: 11). But I can not find any hint how to do that. Any ideas?

Thanks for you help,


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