Any suggestions or pointers to examples of how to handle excursus in table 
of contents?

I currently have each of five Excursus as unnumbered chapters (\chapter*) 
and then use \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter} to add back to my contents.

I have them unnunmbered as I want a large "chapter header" but they aren't 
actual chapters since they are just extra, anecdotal information and not 
essential to book itself.

So my current table of contents has numbered chapters with some unnumbered 
entries (prefixed with "Excursus: ") intermingled.

I was thinking about just having a second table of contents titled 
"Excurses" listing just these five sections with the page numbers (using 
pageref) -- maybe use tabular or multicolumn to get page numbers lined up 
on right.

Any opinions or examples?

  Jeremy C. Reed

p.s. As you can guess, I don't recall coming across Excursus before.

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