I have table in the document.  Does that not count?  I the table is inside
the begin/end document tags.

Fri, 30 May 2008 23:29:10 -0700

On Sat, 31 May 2008, Adrian Peter engaged keyboard and shared this with us
>--} Hi,
>--} I followed the example in the Embedded Objects manual to create a
> longtable --} that has a different caption for all table pages besides the
> main page. --} However, the first couple of times I previewed this the
> second page's --} caption did not appear.  But now I have noticed that this
> file gives me the --} "an empty output was created" error.  I would
> appreciate any answers as to --} what I am doing wrong.  I have placed the
> example lyx file at:
>--}     http://adrian.petervision.com/Portals/4/myDocs/longtableExample.txt
>--} Please change the extension from .txt to .lyx (my ISP was not allowing
> me to --} upload .lyx extension for some reason).  Thank you for your help.
> --}
>--} Adrian

I only read your file as a text document, but you haven't entered anything
into the body of the message, so there is nothing to display.

Hence the  output empty message. There is nothing to output.


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