
David Hewitt wrote:
Check AREnable <http://sourceforge.net/projects/arenable/>, a very
good command line tool to enable comments on PDF's. That's what I

Worked for me. Thanks.

The only trouble is that the rights are enabled only until the file is
saved after editing. Then it reverts to uneditable. Any ideas of what
to do without re-enabling rights each time someone wants to make

If they're tied to MS Office I would guess they're using the Windows version in a Windows OS. In that case, you might try making them use PDF-XChange Viewer: http://www.docu-track.com/home/prod_user/PDF-XChange_Tools/pdfx_viewer (it's what I use with vanilla pdflatex-generated documents).

The free version allows you to annotate PDF files (locking is *optional*, by default disabled). However, after saving a PDF file with unlocked comments from PDF-XChange Viewer, Adobe Reader 8 Windows displays them as locked (and also reports it doesn't have permissions for assembly, signing, and creation of templates... strangely). But if you stick to that viewer to make changes, commenting should work smoothly.


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