ian.ogilvy wrote:
We were in the process of moving some documentation from being
maintained by open office over to lyx.

The process started and all was going well, then the computers being
used for the task were upgraded and now in place of writer2latex 0.4b,
writer2latex0.5 is the tool used by open office.

Lyx can import the latex output by 0.4b quite well, but stumbles
completely at the new output produced by version 0.5.
I would hate abort the process of migrating the documentation in
question to Lyx as some sub documents have already been edited in lyx
with very satisfactory results.

Does anyone know a solution to converting open office documents to latex
that lyx can read given that writer2latex 0.5 creates such problems for

The obvious solution seems to be using writer2latex 0.4b.
Consider researching how the older software can be installed
alongside the upgraded software. (Possibly using a different name, like

I assume reverting all of openoffice to an earlier version isn't interesting. You may also want to notify openoffice developers
about this problem - maybe they can fix the new writer2latex.
It is a regression when new software fail to do the work of
older software it replaces. Most open-source developers try
to avoid regressions, at least when get notified.

Helge Hafting

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