Tribulations Parallèles wrote:
So, contrary to what is said in the LyX Wiki, it seems that the important converter for the preview is svg=>PPM.

ppm or png can be equally shown within LyX.

I have tried to keep the orginal, and defined a filter svg=>PPM with the following command:

inkscape $$i --export-png=$$o.png;convert $$o.png $$o

(the redirection does not seem to work in command line, I have not found another solution than the semicolon in command line).

AFAIK, the semicolon is not for redirection but for command separation, you might want to use '>' instead. But I am not sure that this syntax is understood by LyX built-in command interpreter. You should probably create a helper script with python (say where you call the two command above. But I am not sure this is the problem as, as I said, png is understood by LyX. By the way, what display option did you choose in the external inset configuration dialog?
Maybe you could send your addition to external-template to the list.


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