Hello Lyx Users,

first of all I have to apologize for asking here about a problem not caused by 
LyX itself, but at least it is related since I am writing a rather extensive 
technical book using LyX (several hundred pages done already) which contains a 
lot of schematics/.eps files imported to LyX, so I hope I am not too off topic 
and someone hopefully can help me out.

I generate those schematics from a circuit drawing program as .eps (extended 
postscript) files. Sadly that drawing program cannot generate bounding box 
information suitable for the LyX graphics import  "cut to boundig box" 
dialogue, so I have to run those .eps files through the "bbget" script which is 
described here: http://silas.psfc.mit.edu/elec_fig/ (BTW, I tried to contact 
Mr. Hutcchinson on the problem, but sadly didnĀ“t succeed to get an answer so 

Using ESP ghostscript V7.07.1 as present/used in (old) Debian V3.1r2, 
everything works fine, the bounding box information is generated correctly, for 
example with a result like:

   60 214 348 379

Now, that certain old ESP ghostscript version is not present with many 
current/modern Linux versions, but usually and likely you will find GPL 
ghostscript V8.62 instead. Sadly, this current ghostview version extracts 
different numbers for the bounding box than the old version, using the same 
input file:

   63 214 342 377

which is a smaller box, which in turn cuts small parts off the 
schematic/.eps-file to be imported by LyX :-(

There might be several solutions to this problem:

1) manually changing/upping the bounding box values in the LyX bounding box 
dialogue, which is cumbersome
2) trying to get the old ESP ghostscript to port/run somehow on current Linux 
distributions together with the bbget script
3) finding a functional alternative to the bbget + ghostview method of 
generating bounding box information for .eps files

Especially 3) would be of high interest to me concearning the LyX Windows 
version I do the most work with, because the current process of:

- drawing schematics using a Windows program, exporting to .eps
- moving the .eps to a Linux machine to run the bbget utility
- moving the changed .eps back to a Windows machine to be imported to LyX 
(Windows version)

is a really cumbersome workflow to do with lots of dozens of .eps file.

So, ideally I would be looking for a Windows based method to replace the 
bbget/ghostscript stuff, also getting correct bounding boxes again. The second 
choice would be to get the bbget script working again with current GPL 
ghostscript version.

Any ideas/help appreciated, and sorry again for being only slightly LyX-related 


   Tom Schlangen


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