I've written a utility which takes results (in the J programing language) and converts them to latex tables, specifically formal tables, using booktabs.sty. One problem with importing them into lyx is that setup instructions like \cmidrule(r){1-2} ... gets imported as ERT for \cmidrule, followed by text for the rest, another ERT for the next \cmidrule etc. It's sorta ugly, as well as making the table cell very wide.

Question: since I have complete control over how the file gets written, is there some way I could indicate to the lyx importer that the whole sequence of \cmidrule's is to be treated as one big ERT? Something on the order of \ERT{\cmidrule(r){1-2} .... } ?


Philip A. Viton
City Planning, Ohio State University
275 West Woodruff Avenue, Columbus OH 43210

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