G. Milde writes:

> On 20.06.08, Philip A. Viton wrote:
> > I've written a utility which takes results (in the J programing  
> > language) and converts them to latex tables, specifically formal tables, 
> > using booktabs.sty. One problem with importing them into lyx is that 
> > setup instructions like \cmidrule(r){1-2} ...  gets imported as ERT for 
> > \cmidrule, followed by text for the rest, another ERT for the next 
> > \cmidrule etc.
> > Question: since I have complete control over how the file gets written, 
> > is there some way I could indicate to the lyx importer that the whole 
> > sequence of \cmidrule's is to be treated as one big ERT? 
> Nothing I know of.
> > Something on the order of \ERT{\cmidrule(r){1-2} .... } ?
> This is 
> a) invalid LaTeX
> b) has the same problems.

Not quite. The problem with \cmidrule is its non-standard syntax.
If the command had used only brackets [] and braces {}, the solution
would be simple. In order to obtain what the OP wants, a hack must be used.
First of all, put in the preamble of the .tex file the following line:


then, surround each \cmidrule command that you want to import as a
single ERT, with \ERT{<your command here>}, just as in your example above.
Now, use a text editor and create a file named as you like, for example
"syntax.extra", and put in there the following line:


Having done that, run LyX, go to Tools->Preferences->Converters and
select the "LaTeX (plain) -> LyX" converter. Change the line that reads
"tex2lyx -f $$i $$o" into "tex2lyx -s <path>/syntax.extra -f $$i $$o"
(where <path> is the full path to the syntax.extra file), hit the Modify
button and then Apply (or Save, for a permanent change).
Now use the menu "File->Import->LaTeX (plain)" and select the .tex file
you want to import. All your \ERT{<whatever>} commands will be imported
as a single ERT. Note that you don't have to take away the surrounding
\ERT{} in LyX, as it will work as expected.


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