Dear LyX users,

with help from Sven 
I was able to install a test build or LyX 1.6.beta3 on my Debian/testing

In order to be able to use 1.5.5 and 1.6.beta3 in parallel, I 

* copied the files from the package to /usr/local/
* renamed /usr/local/bin/lyx to lyx-1.6
* copied my personal lyx dir to ~/.lyx16
* wrote a small script /usr/local/bin/lyx16::

   # call LyX 1.6 with alternative user dir
   lyx-1.6 -userdir ~/.lyx16 $*

and now I can start 1.5.5 with `lyx` and 1.6 with `lyx16`.

Some first impressions:

+ Many of my local extensions (math-macros, additonal layouts) can be
  implemented much cleaner now.
  (Documentation for layout modules is still missing in the (German)
  Customisation guide.)
+ Startup is faster.

- Minor glitches like missing translations for new items show that this
  is a beta version.

Some problems remain

- Word deletion (Bug #3580) is not fixed in beta3. Bugzilla shows it is
  "fixed in trunk and branch". Could a beta4 be released soon?
- Bugzilla does not have an entry for the 1.6 beta versions, only
  1.5.5 and 1.6 (SVN). However, some bugs in 1.6.beta3 are already fixed
  in SVN -- where should I report bugs?
- Export to 1.5.x format creates a file with extension .lyx15 which
  OTOH is not found by LyX (if the default *.lyx filter is on).
  There is no way to specify the name of exported files (this is a
  generic problem, also in earlier versions).

I wonder whether it is save enaugh to use 1.6.beta3 for my phd thesis (no
imminent deadline).


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