On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:07 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

I can get it working if I specify in Skim's preferences the complete path to lyxeditor by selecting a custom preset for PDFSync support:


If that works for you, then it looks like the problem is in Skim, and the bug should be reported to them.


I finally got it working, combining what you said (adding the full path) and changing the way Skim calls lyxeditor. Skim's default is
    "%file" %line
but that does not work for me. I removed the quotes and it works with:
   %file %line
I have no idea why.

Bennett, if you could check what arguments you have set up in Skim that would be helpful. I could then report to the Skim developers with more than my own experience. Thanks


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