> >
> >   
> It sounds as if you are set to print double-sided, in which case this is 
> normal. Just turn off double-sided printing, in Document>Settings>Page 
> Layout>Two-sided Document.
> rh
If I disable two-sided, the there is no problem, the text area will be
printed in the at the center of the page, it does not differentiate
between odd and even number. But one-side is not applicable in a "book"
document, the odd and even headings are different, chapter always
written in odd page.
Actually the class that I have chosen (book KOMA-script, option DIV9)
does perfectly, it shows a correct pdf view, but when I print, I get
shifted text area of even pages.

I just recently tested two documents form help (did not change anything,
only view and print)
1. User Guide (book KOMA-script, two-sided)
   in view pdflatex, it shows a correct margin setting,
   but when it is printed, the even pages also shifted.
   ==you can try to print for example page 1 and page 2, two-sided,
     you will see page 2 shifted)
2. Introduction (book, two-sided)
   view pdflatex and print result perfectly matched.

I tried other documents in "help", they behave similarly, KOMA-script
does not print as the view pdf.

I still need further discussion as I have not found a way to solve this.
Please let me now if this problem occurs only to me....(need to

I am using LyX 1.5.5 in Ubuntu 8.04 .. 
not expert in LaTeX, just LyX user since months ago


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