Or...use open office, and save the graph directly as pdf.

timtheenchanter wrote:
I have got this problem sorted.

In Excel you use Shift+Edit to copy the graph as a picture
You paste the picture into Powerpoint
Right click on the picture in Power point and "Save picture" as a .wmf
The .wmf can then be pasted into lyx with high quality.


timtheenchanter wrote:
I have been given a solution to this.
Copy the chart as a picture: Shift+Edit
Paste into Powerpoint
Right click on chart in Powerpoint and "Save as picture"
In this case the picture is saved as a .wmf that works with lyx and the
quality is very good.

Dave Hewitt wrote:
This won't be terribly helpful, but my short answer would be that there
is no way that qualifies even as good, let alone best, for most figures.
I hadn't made a figure in Excel in a long time, but I just did to muck
around. I couldn't figure out how to save the figure (chart) by itself as
an image. I saved the worksheet as a web page to force the chart into its
own image file, but it was a GIF. How did you get them into JPGs? Is this
Office 2007, the new and unimproved Office? Either way, the image that
came out was not good and couldn't be resized in an editor - forget the
reason why, something about scalable, vectorization...

One thing I've done in a pinch is to make the image fill as much of the
screen as possible and use Print Screen, then paste that image into an
editor like GIMP. This will work to get "decent" resolution for simple
stuff, but I wouldn't do it for publications or any final product.

timtheenchanter wrote:
Sorry if this question has been answered before but what is the best way
to import excel graphs (Charts) into Lyx. If I convert them to a .jpg
for example the quality of the finished document is poor.

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