On Thursday 21 August 2008 10:24, Helge Hafting wrote:
> killermike wrote:
> > Steve Litt wrote:
> >> Again, a great application for LyX assuming the tech doc is over
> >> 10,000 words long. Shorter docs are easier in quick and dirty OO.
> >
> > I don't want to come off as someone who is purely defensive of LyX but
> > I beg to differ with this point. I write all of my articles in LyX and
> > I don't see how it would be easier in OO. Basic HTML output is one of
> > the most important things to me when writing articles.
> >
> > There are things that I wouldn't write in LyX, such as a letter. I try
> > to do everything in LyX if I can though. I tell myself that I'm
> > getting a bit of extra LyX "practice", if nothing else.
> I find LyX fine for letters too - with a suitable document class.
> This way I get printed folding marks so I know it will fit the envelope
> when I fold it,
> and the address is always positioned so it shows through the envelope
> window.

I write letters in LyX too. The letter template makes it brutally easy, except 
you need to remember to insert the \date{9/9/2099} via ERT or every time you 
print it the date will change. Also, I usually change it to a 12 point font. 
You can't automatically assume the recipient has excellent vision.

Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

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