
again thank you all very much for your help. I solved the problem now. As Günter guessed, it had s.th. to do with the declaration of the figure- and tablecaptions. I defined the figurecaption, but not the tablecaption. It works now by adding following lines:

%Fügt "Tabelle " vor die Nummern in der LOT





\addcontentsline{\csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]


\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}%



Thanks again



G. Milde schrieb:
On 22.08.08, Nico wrote:
Hello Günter,

I don't think that some unbalanced brackets are in my float... It's the same effect if I insert just an empty tabular-float-environment. It works with figure-float-environment...

OK, to a table-float triggers the error but does not produce it.
Might have to do with tablecaption settings...

I've realized now, that it must have s.th. to do with the declarations I did in the preamble, because it works without it. I tried to take parts out to recognize the guilty lines.

Yes, this is the recommended way.

With the first lines, the float is generated:

%Definition des Absatz-Abstandes


...[36 more lines]

... But when I insert these Lines, the error appears:

%Realisierung der Hyperref-Attribute unter verschiedenen Voraussetzungen

\usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle

... [116 more lines]

Does s.o. see the reason for my problem in these lines?

This are far too many line for me to spot an error in restricted time.
I'd recommend to try further by "divide and conquer.
Keep an eye on settings that have to do with table floats.


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