On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:23:21AM -0700, NB wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working with the book class in KOMA-Script, and am trying to change the
> page layout without success. When I insert BCOR and/or DIV factors, I don't
> get an error message, but I also don't see any difference in the resultant
> PDF.  I checked the LaTeX log, and I see that the changes I input appear in
> the log but still... No visible effect.

Go to 

  Document -> Settings -> Document Class -> Options

and input:  DIV13, BCOR10mm

And under

 Page Margins

select: Default Margins

This is my standard.
> I also noticed the following: I defined the size of the paper as "custom"
> 24.5 cm width, by 28.5 cm length. In the log the paperwidth is 597.5 points,
> which figures just over 21 cm, by 845.05 points, i.e. 29.7 cm.  In other

This behaviour isnt familar to me, I use only A4 paper :-)

By,  Friedrich

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