Hellmut Weber wrote:
I'm actually working on a document which consists nearly exclusively (some section or subsection headers) of pictures (jpg's from my canon powershot A620, reduced to 25% using convert).

First of all, LyX is VERY slow.
I remember some discussion several weeks ago, but don't remember what the solution was.

Are you sure that it is LyX that is slow, as opposed to the graphics conversions?

A little strange effect (bug?):
1.) Include a picture using the graphics inset dialog
2.) set scale factors for LyX as last activity
3.) reopen the dialog using the right mouse click
4.) Dialog opens showing the LaTeX and LyX Params
    The value of the scale factor is marked blue
    the cursor bar is blinking
BUT key strokes are not recognized

Which version of LyX (I suspect 1.6 from the last comment below), and what operating system? Does this happen when there is just a single image in the document? I tried this with both LyX 1.5.6 and 1.6.0rc2 and failed to reproduce it (on Win XP).

Since I use a variable horizontal space quite frequently in this context, I would like to define a shortcut (to avoid 6 mouse clicks or an even greater number of key strokes).

I looked at the cua.bind and menu.bind files but could not see what the lfun call should look like to insert a horizontal space.

I'm not sure what you mean by "variable horizontal space", but I suspect it's one of hfill, hfill*, hspace or hspace*? In LyX 1.6, the LFUN is

space-insert hfill;

(or whatever fill/space command you had in mind). The same LFUN exists in LyX 1.5.6 but appears to recognize only certain space names (e.g., qquad). I could get 'space-insert qquad' to work, but 'space-insert hfill' or 'space-insert hspace' did not do anything (although the status line echoed the command correctly, and I did not get any sort of disabled or unrecognized message). The best I can come up with in 1.5.6 is to bind a key to

command-sequence ert-insert; self-insert \hfill;

(again changing hspace to your preferred space type). That does not produce the same effect in the GUI as inserting an hfill via the menu, and you need to put a space after the ERT box, but I think it gets the job done.

Thanks for all the new features, especially the image grouping.


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