rgheck wrote:

If you can't reproduce it, then that would strongly suggest that it is a Qt bug. What's the Qt version? for LyX 1.5.6, for 1.6.0rc2. Incidentally, in addition to XP Home, I failed to reproduce with LyX 1.5.6 on XP Pro. (Don't have 1.6.0rc installed on the Pro machine.)

And if you're really sure you can't reproduce it, please add the relevant information to the bug report.

I will, but first I want to confirm that I'm not missing something here. Here's what I did (in an empty document, article class):

1. Insert -> Graphics..., browse to and open a graphic, switch to LaTeX and LyX Options tab, change scale value (Show in LyX is already selected, and in 1.5.6 display set to Default), and hit Enter with the cursor in the scale box (without clicking Ok or Apply).

2. Left-click the image (or right-click and, in 1.6.0, pick Settings...). The dialog opens where it left off. There is no "insert cursor" visible; the usual arrow cursor is present. Click into the display scale box, delete and replace the entry, hit Enter. (I've tried both the keyboard and numeric pad Enter keys; doesn't seem to matter which.) The dialog closes and the image rescales. No problems.

3. Start a new paragraph and enter some text. Click the paragraph settings button on the tool bar. Change line spacing to custom and enter a number. In 1.6.0rc2 only, enter something in the longest label box. (This box is grayed out in 1.5.6.) With the cursor in the longest label box in 1.6/custom spacing box in 1.5.6, hit Enter. Reopen the paragraph settings dialog. (It doesn't seem to matter whether I do this immediately or enter some text, then come back and do it.) Again, the dialog opens with an arrow cursor but no insertion cursor, and everything works as expected.

Am I missing something with the recipe? If not (i.e., if this is the sequence that should reproduce the bug), let me know and I'll append this to the bugzilla entry.


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