Hi All

I have just started to use Lyx for writing my first year PhD report and I am
having some problems which I hope you can help me to solve.

I followed all the procedures to install biblatex and use it with Lyx. It is
working great now and I have managed to edit the biblatex style to suit my

However I am having basically two problems:

1. When using the \printbibliography command in ERT I have also to add the
following commands before it so that the bibliography is showed in a new
page and accounted for the TOC.


This works fine but when the bibliography has more than one page the header
(which is done using fancy header and works fine to all other pages) is
shown in Uppercase although as I said the fancy header package is configure
to show the headers in lowercase (both chapters and sections)  and works
fine with all other pages. So instead of showing 'Bibliography' it displays

The fancy header commands, in case are needed are:



\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markright{\chaptername\ \thechapter.\ #1}}

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}{}}














2. The second problems has to do with the output bibliography format from
biblatex.I am using Author-year style but each item in the bibliography
seems to be displayed unaligned in reference to each other. I do not whether
it is clear but it seems that each item (reference) has its own indentation
for the first line e.g.

Author One Surname, (year) etc etc etc ................................

        Second line and all other are fine..................................



     Author Two Surname, (year) etc etc etc .............................

        Second line and all other are fine..................................



  Author Three Surname, (year) etc etc etc .............................

        Second line and all other are fine..................................



Hope you see what I mean. I do not know what is happening here but each time
I change the fonts the errors in the indentation seems to change between the
items. For instance if Author one was in the right position now it is wrong
but Author two is OK and so on.

Well, hopefully someone will be able to help me.

Thanks in advance.

Jose A

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