I've been having a lot of trouble installing a new class for LyX with
my mac.  I am hoping to use LyX to write my doctoral dissertation.  I
am trying to install the thesis class for my university, authesis.cls.

I have followed the directions, I believe, but am not getting the class to work.

I have placed these files (authesis.cls, aucas.clo, aut10.clo,
auecon.clo) in this location:


i have placed a layout file (authesis.layout) at this location:

username/libarary/Application Support/Lyx-1.5/layouts

The layout file reads:
#% Do not delete hte line below; configure depens on this
# \DeclareLaTeXClass[authesis]{article (authesis)}

# Input general definitions
Input stdclass.inc

After doing this, I open terminal typed "texhash" and then quit terminal
I went to LyX, reconfigure and i get an error message that says, "The
system reconfiguration has failed. Default textclass is used but LyX
may not be able to work properly. Please reconfigure again if needed."
I close LyX, start it again, and then if I go to Document, Settings, I
do not see the authesis in the document class menu(and the number of
classes I have listed is now much smaller than before i tried to
install this class).

Can someone help?  I would very greatly appreciate it!  I am very new
to both LyX and my Mac.

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