Thanks.  I changed the layout file as you suggested:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this #
# Read the definitions from report.layout
Input report.layout

and here is the output from terminal.  It looks like it worked (?).  I
open LyX and my class is not available, and if I configure I still get
the error.  Can you help again?,  thanks.

here is the terminal output:

dhcp-226-212:~ mikemartell$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/LyX-1.5/
dhcp-226-212:LyX-1.5 mikemartell$ python
checking for a Latex2e program...
+checking for "latex"...   yes
checking for a DVI postprocessing program...
+checking for "pplatex"...   no
checking for a Tgif viewer and editor...
+checking for "tgif"...   no
checking for a FIG viewer and editor...
+checking for "xfig"...   no
checking for a Grace viewer and editor...
+checking for "xmgrace"...   no
checking for a FEN viewer and editor...
+checking for "xboard"...   no
checking for a raster image viewer...
+checking for "xv"...   no
+checking for "kview"...   no
+checking for "gimp-remote"...   no
+checking for "gimp"...   no
checking for a raster image editor...
+checking for "gimp-remote"...   no
+checking for "gimp"...   no
checking for a text editor...
+checking for "sensible-editor"...   no
+checking for "xemacs"...   no
+checking for "gvim"...   no
+checking for "kedit"...   no
+checking for "kwrite"...   no
+checking for "kate"...   no
+checking for "nedit"...   no
+checking for "gedit"...   no
+checking for "notepad"...   no
checking for a Postscript previewer...
+checking for "kghostview"...   no
+checking for "evince"...   no
+checking for "gv"...   no
+checking for "ghostview"...   no
checking for a PDF previewer...
+checking for "kpdf"...   no
+checking for "evince"...   no
+checking for "kghostview"...   no
+checking for "xpdf"...   no
+checking for "acrobat"...   no
+checking for "acroread"...   no
+checking for "gv"...   no
+checking for "ghostview"...   no
checking for a DVI previewer...
+checking for "xdvi"...   yes
checking for an HTML previewer...
+checking for "firefox"...   no
+checking for "mozilla"...   no
+checking for "netscape"...   no
checking for Noteedit...
+checking for "noteedit"...   no
checking for an OpenDocument viewer...
+checking for "oowriter"...   no
checking for the pdflatex program...
+checking for "pdflatex"...   yes
checking for a LaTeX/Noweb -> LyX converter...
+checking for "tex2lyx"...   no
+checking for "tex2lyx"...   no
checking for a Noweb -> LaTeX converter...
+checking for "noweave"...   no
checking for an HTML -> LaTeX converter...
+checking for "html2latex"...   no
+checking for "gnuhtml2latex"...   no
+checking for "htmltolatex"...   no
+checking for "java"...   yes
checking for an MS Word -> LaTeX converter...
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checking for a LaTeX -> HTML converter...
+checking for "htlatex"...   yes
checking for a LaTeX -> MS Word converter...
+checking for "htlatex"...   yes
checking for an -> LaTeX converter...
+checking for "w2l"...   no
checking for an OpenDocument -> LaTeX converter...
+checking for "w2l"...   no
checking for a LaTeX -> Open Document converter...
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checking for a LaTeX -> RTF converter...
+checking for "latex2rtf"...   no
+checking for "latex2rt"...   no
checking for a PS to PDF converter...
+checking for "ps2pdf13"...   yes
checking for a PS to TXT converter...
+checking for "pstotext"...   no
checking for a PS to TXT converter...
+checking for "ps2ascii"...   yes
checking for a PS to EPS converter...
+checking for "ps2eps"...   yes
checking for a PDF to PS converter...
+checking for "pdf2ps"...   yes
checking for a PDF to EPS converter...
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checking for a DVI to TXT converter...
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checking for a DVI to PS converter...
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checking for a DVI to PDF converter...
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checking for dvipng...
+checking for "dvipng"...   yes
checking for a fax program...
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+checking for "ksendfax"...   no
checking for a FIG -> EPS/PPM converter...
+checking for "fig2dev"...   no
checking for a TIFF -> PS converter...
+checking for "tiff2ps"...   no
checking for a TGIF -> EPS/PPM converter...
+checking for "tgif"...   no
checking for a WMF -> EPS converter...
+checking for "metafile2eps"...   no
+checking for "wmf2eps"...   no
checking for an EMF -> EPS converter...
+checking for "metafile2eps"...   no
+checking for "wmf2eps"...   no
checking for an EPS -> PDF converter...
+checking for "epstopdf"...   yes
checking for a Grace -> Image converter...
+checking for "gracebat"...   no
checking for a Dot -> PDF converter...
+checking for "dot"...   no
checking for a LilyPond -> EPS/PDF/PNG converter...
+checking for "lilypond"...   no
checking for a Noteedit -> LilyPond converter...
+checking for "noteedit"...   no
checking for SGML-tools 1.x (LinuxDoc)...
+checking for "sgml2lyx"...   no
checking for SGML-tools 2.x (DocBook) or db2x scripts...
+checking for "sgmltools"...   no
+checking for "db2dvi"...   no
Checking whether TeX allows spaces in file names...  yes
checking for a *roff formatter...
+checking for "groff"...   yes
checking for an index processor...
+checking for "texindy"...   yes
checking for ChkTeX...
+checking for "chktex"...   no
checking for a spellchecker...
+checking for "ispell"...   no
checking for a spool command...
+checking for "lp"...   yes
checking LaTeX configuration...         auto
+Inspecting your LaTeX configuration.
+checking for LaTeX version... 2005/12/01
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+checking for default encoding (this may take a long time)
+  checking for ec fonts... yes
+  checking for ec support in LaTeX format... yes
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+checking for document class article-beamer [article]... yes
+checking for document class article [article]... yes
+checking for package algorithm [algorithm]... yes
+checking for package array [array]... yes
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+checking for package bibtopic [bibtopic]... yes
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+checking for package booktabs [booktabs]... yes
+checking for package color [color]... yes
+checking for package dvipost [dvipost]... no
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+checking for graphics driver... dvips
+checking for package psnfss [times.sty]... yes
+checking for package avant [avant]... yes
+checking for package bookman [bookman]... yes
+checking for package chancery [chancery]... yes
+checking for package charter [charter]... yes
+checking for package mathpazo [mathpazo]... yes
+checking for package mathpple [mathpple]... yes
+checking for package mathptm [mathptm]... yes
+checking for package mathptmx [mathptmx]... yes
+checking for package newcent [newcent]... yes
+checking for package utopia [utopia]... yes
+checking for package ae [ae]... yes
+checking for package bera [bera]... yes
+checking for package ccfonts [ccfonts]... yes
+checking for package cmbright [cmbright]... yes
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+checking for package fourier [fourier]... yes
+checking for package lmodern [lmodern]... yes
+checking for package luximono [luximono]... no
+checking for package tipa [tipa]... yes
+Inspection done.
+Read the file doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx for more information.
creating packages.lst
creating doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Richard Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Martell wrote:
>> thanks.  it looks like my layout file is in the correct place. And
>> kpsewhich authesis.cls recognizes the file.
>> here are the results of my running configure.  I don't think it is
>> working.
>> [snip]
>> checking LaTeX configuration...         auto
>> Wrong input layout file with line
>> '\\DeclareLaTeXClass[authesis]\{authesis\}\
>> Can you tell me what the error means?
>> I looked at my layout file and found this one online in the archive.
>> I made mine look just like this replacing ucthesis with authesis and
>> it still isn't working well.  Do you know if this layout file looks
>> more correct?
>> (located at:
>> #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this #
>> \DeclareLaTeXClass[ucthesis]{UC Thesis}
>> # Read the definitions from report.layout
>> Input report.layout
> You need a "#" before the \Declare.... So try this:
> #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this #
> #\DeclareLaTeXClass{AU Thesis}
> # Read the definitions from report.layout
> Input report.layout
> Put that in authesis.layout, and it should work now. We can hope!!
> rh

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