I changed the layout file. to read report instead of article, ran
texhash, and still got the reconfigure error.

You said:
> Hmm. That looks like a successful reconfigure to me. Try this again now from
> inside your LyX user directory. To verify where that is, go to
> Tools>Preferences, User Interface, hit "Browse" and then "User Files". This
> will dump you into a subdirectory of your user directory. Worth doing just
> to make sure.

 I verified the directory and ran the python command.  Here is my
terminal line I typed and its response.

dhcp-226-212:~ mikemartell$ python
can't open file
'/Applications/LyX.app/contents/Resources/ui/configure.py': [Errno 2]
No such file or directory

I really appreciate your being so helpful.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Richard Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Martell wrote:
>> I looked throught the authesis.cls file and did not find a line that said
>> /LoadClass
>> line.
> I just had a look, too. Looks like it was hacked from ucthesis, which was a
> modification of report. So I'd try:
>   Input report.layout
> and modify anything that needs modifying.
> rh

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