Michael Mangan wrote:

thanks for the speedy reply. I have attached the .log file again. I hope it work this time.

I don't see anything obvious. The way to proceed is to export to LaTeX and run everything manually. Or, if you like, send me the LyX file and bib file, and I'll do it here. Certainly, from this log, it's clear that you have an empty bbl file, which means either bibtex didn't get run for some reason or else it aborted with an error.


Thanks again


On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:35 AM, rgheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    MikeM wrote:


        I have a very similar problem to the original poster.  I am
        using Lyx 1.6 in
        Windows XP and Jabref 2.4.1. <http://2.4.1.> I can insert
        citations into my lyx file as
        normal and they seem fine.  I can also amend my .bib file in
        Jabref and the
        new citations appear for insertion into lyx as normal.
        However, when trying
        to view my document as a PDF or DVI or PS my citations appear
        as '?' in the
        text and nothing appears below my References heading.

        I have updated the MikTex install and searching for .bst files
        reveals a
        folder c:\Program Files\Miktex2.7\bibtex\bst\ with a load of
        .bst files so I
        don't think its down to missing class files.  I am using
        Natbib in Document
        -> Settings and unsrtnat.bst (which I set by clicking on the
        insert), however I have tried various combinations of
        alternative settings
        without any luck.

        I have also checked the Jabref file for any incomplete or
        flagged references
        which may be causing issues with the first latex run however
        there is
        nothing obviously wrong there.

        I have attached the .log file from my attempted conversions.

    It sounds very much as if there must be a problem in your .bib
    file, or else LaTeX for some reason just isn't finding it..
    Unfortunately, though, I can't get your logfile to load, so I
    can't give you any more information. You might try just attaching it.


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