On Tue, 4 Nov 2008, Nick Bell engaged keyboard and shared this with us all:
>--} Hi - I'm trying to write a letter using scrlttr2:
>--} 1. The logo is too far down, merging with the to: address. I can't for
>--} the life of me find a way to move it right up to the top margin. Can
>--} anyone help?
>--} 2. How do I actually set the pseudolength sigbeforevskip, to increase
>--} the space between the closing statement and signature? I've tried
>--} putting things in the preamble, but just get errors.
>--} Many thanks for your help
>--} Nick

I'm not certain that you can place the logo at the top of the page, because I 
think that's an area which is unprintable on some if not all printers, but 
that could be wrong? I have mine 10mm [1cm] below the top of the page. That's 

Just insert vertical space, as much as required, beneath the closing statement 
and that will bring your signature down lower and give you more space.

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