Does anyone know how to change the name of this section? In Lyx
report(koma-script) it prints out by default as "Contents". Can I make it 
read "Table of Contents" ?

Also, to change the default name of the Bibliography I tried adding the 
following to the preamble, but it doesn't seem to have an effect:
\renewcommand{\bibname}{List of References}
If I add this as ERT code right before the Bibliography in my LyX document, 
the name is now changed in the PDF output. How come?

Also, I noticed how when compiling my LyX document oftentimes only one Latex 
run is completed instead of two! In these cases, although I have the 'intoc' 
option for my document, the Nomenclature does not appear in the TOC, although 
I can see the entry when opening the .toc file manually.
Another funny thing, the same times when the Nomenclature doesn't appear in 
the contents, the compiled PDF file also doesn't open automatically as it 
should after being created. Instead, I have to look for it in the temp 
directory and open it manually !!!

I am using the 'bibtotoc' option in the arguments to the document class.
(The bibliography appears in the Contents, even when the nomenclature doesn't!)
What's the difference between this and using the following ERT TEX code?

With the hyperref package, the bibliography is hyperlinked to the TOC entry, 
but if I use the "bookmarks" menu on the left in Acrobat, clicking on
"Bibliography" takes me to the title page of my document instead!


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