>Does anyone know how to change the name of this section? In Lyx
>report(koma-script) it prints out by default as "Contents". Can I make it 
>read "Table of Contents" ?


>Also, to change the default name of the Bibliography I tried adding the 
>following to the preamble, but it doesn't seem to have an effect:
>\renewcommand{\bibname}{List of References}
>If I add this as ERT code right before the Bibliography in my LyX document, 
> the name is now changed in the PDF output. How come?

use this \renewcommand*{\bibname}{List of References}

>I am using the 'bibtotoc' option in the arguments to the document class.
>(The bibliography appears in the Contents, even when the nomenclature doesn't!)
>What's the difference between this and using the following ERT TEX code?

if you just care for the bib to show up in the TOC, its the same; if you are 
depending on other things like hyperref it will lead to different outcomes

>With the hyperref package, the bibliography is hyperlinked to the TOC entry, 
>but if I use the "bookmarks" menu on the left in Acrobat, clicking on
>"Bibliography" takes me to the title page of my document instead!

it should work, either you check your preferences or you could workaround with 
setting up a hypertarget around your bibliography like this:


but then you will probably have to replace your bibtotoc option with KOMA by 
the addcontentsline command

> Alex


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