Am Fri, 28 Nov 2008 17:55:40 +0100

> Hello,
> For a long time I valued LyX for its swiftness when typing. 
> Something changed recently, however and I do not
> have an idea what is causing this.
> When I type the letters only show up slowly on the screen. This makes
> working with LyX really cumbersome.
> I assumed this could have something to do with "Auto Completion". But
> nothing changed when I switched this feature of.
> Version: LyX 1.6.0 (7 November 2008) - compiled binary on Ubuntu 8.10
> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> seacyd

I solved it, however, without knowing what was the original cause.

Here is what I did:

1. removed the lyx ubuntu package 1.5.6 from my system (wajig remove

2. installed the same package again (wajig install lyx) - I did want to
test with the old version to see if the slowness also occurs there.

3. I started lyx 1.5.6 everything worked fine & the positive suprise
was, when I started lyx 1.6.0 the so much appreciated responsiveness of
lyx is back.

So maybe when compiling the source code some different
versions of libraries get installed then with the standard Ubuntu


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