
i am a long-time LyX user and big fan of the software. i recently upgraded to 1.6 and noticed a few strange editing problems. cmd- return does not break the paragraph (nothing happens and LyX displays unknown function in the lower left) and holding down shift to highlight characters or words does not work. in fact, if i have something highlighted, holding shift and moving the cursor to add or remove a character from the highlight causes the entire highlighted section to become unhighlighted. one other odd thing is i get a small ">" character on the right side of the cursor. this character appears when i'm moving the cursor with the right or left arrow keys or sometimes when i'm typing. it seems like a graphical glitch and is somewhat annoying. is this expected?

i'm running LyX on a mac 10.4 intel. previous versions of LyX worked great and didn't have these odd editing problems. the .bind document hasn't changed with the upgrade. are these issues expected there something else i can look at or is this a bug?


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