James Sutherland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> On Dec 2, 2008, at 4:46 PM, James Sutherland wrote:

>> This is probably a very simple question: does anyone know how to get  
>> a Ð to show up in math mode?  I can copy and past it, but I don't  
>> know how to get it from a key stroke...  I saw some things on the  
>> web that suggested \DJ should produce this, but it doesn't seem to  
>> work...

> Okay, a \DH or \DJ in an ERT does the job in text mode, but not in  
> math mode.  In math mode I can use \textrm{\DH} - is this the best  
> option???

> Also, is there a way to get the  Ð directly in text mode without doing  
> \DH in an ERT?

Press the Ð key (if there is one at your keyboard or you have configured a
key-combination for this Unicode character.)

Use Insert>Special Chars>Symbols>Latin1-Extended Ð

Bind a key to the function "self-insert Ð" (manually in a bind file, as the
GUI does not (yet) support this).

In LyX 1.6, you can use these Methods also in math mode and you will get a
kursive Ð by default.


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