This has gone on far too long, and I'm not really interested in
arguing the point. But some of your response is simply factually
incorrect. So, for the record:

Andre Poenitz wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 11:21:27AM -0500, Michael Wojcik wrote:
>> Andre Poenitz wrote:
>>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 03:42:52PM -0500, Michael Wojcik wrote:
>>>> I've worked on many projects that maintained backward compatibility
>>>> with new releases of the API, and seen a great many more.
>>> Just for my curiosity: Which projects, which scope? 
>> - Early versions of Windows. The Windows 1.x to Windows 2.0 and
>> Windows/286 transition maintained compatibility in the Windows API;
>> Windows 1.x applications ran unchanged in the 2.0 family.
> Windows 2.0 was released pretty exactly two years after 1.0, Windows 3.0
> completely broke the API 2 1/2 years later.

16-bit Windows applications continued to run unchanged under Windows 3.0.

>  So, at best, that's a
> period of 4.5 years of "API stability". That's close to a joke,
> especially when taking into account that < 3.11 was not usable for any
> reasonable practical purpose...

Tell that to the hundreds of customers we sold development tools for
Windows 2.0.

>> - X11R3. The X11 API was layered correctly: as long as the server
>> follows the protocol spec, it doesn't matter what it does under the
>> covers. I added support for new hardware to the ddx layer; wrote new
>> window managers with completely different look-and-feel from the
>> standard ones; added extensions to X11 itself. None of that interfered
>> with existing clients one bit.
> X11R3: End of 88, X11R4: End of 89.

And clients continued to work. And they still work, under X11R5. New
releases came out and API compatibility was maintained. Which was my

> Pretty much around 1990 supposedly the last person died that used plain X.

What's "plain X"? Everyone always ran windows managers on top of X11.
That's part of the architecture.

>> - The 4.3 BSD kernel. Extended multihead support in the console driver
>> and wrote some drivers for new hardware. Enhanced the shared memory
>> kernel option. Nothing that didn't want to use the new features needed
>> to be recompiled.
> Spring (?) 2001 - January 2002.

I don't know what those dates are supposed to refer to. BSD 4.3 was
released in 1986. BSD 4.4 in 1994.

Michael Wojcik
Micro Focus
Rhetoric & Writing, Michigan State University

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