Dear listmembers,
I stumbled over (and found the hint in the documentation) that you are forced 
to add a whitespace at the end of any raw TeX-insert.

I understand that the TeX - insert is not encapsulated, i. e. it is intended 
to have impact on LyX code that follows.

However I would like to ask why LyX cannot insert Whitespace (i. e. a single 
blank) at the end of a TeX insert and why a blank _following_ a TeX insert is 
not guarded by some means.

Example - (the %-sign stands for start-end of TeX insert within LyX) if you 

"The difference between %\TeX% and %\LyX% is bla bla ..."

You will end in _no_ space between "TeX" and "and", you will get

".. between TeXand LyXis bla bla ..."

So a fist point would be to add to the (very good!) manual a hint 
that "closed" TeX inserts such as %\TeX% should in any case be bracketed to 
depict clearly that the following whitespace should be paid attention to. 
Simply adding a blank is not enough. You have to say %{\TeX}% to get the 
following blank in effect.

Therefore I would like to rise two points you may - or may not - share.

1.) put automatically a blank as whitespace at the end of each TeX-insert 
before closing it. 
2.) protect a whitespace follwing a TeX-insert if there is one - assume that 
the user intentionally puts a whitespace there.

Maybe I overlooked something - but for now I cannot see a good reason not to 
do this. I personally think that the results would be closer to what the user 
expects. If I insert a blank after a TeX-insert I (personally) expect it to 
be intentional and it is hard to understand (not being a TeXnician) why it is 
not remaining where I have been putting it to - even worse it is not easy to 
know the rule how to avoid that it is vanishing in the dark.

This is just the outcome from some testing - apart from this I like LyX 1.6 
very much and the option to have several texts open in parallel is simply 

Thank you very much for working on this program,
take care

Dieter Jurzitza


                 /\_/\           |
                | ~x~ |/-----\   /
                 \   /-       \_/
  ^^__   _        /  _  ____   /
 <°°__ \- \_/     |  |/    |  |
  ||  ||         _| _|    _| _|

if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
with constant spacing like courier! :-)

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