If you want to use Dominik Wassenhoven's styles you must also download and install them on your computer because, the styles are not included in the
standard biblatex. But you can do that later...

So it doesn´t matter which style I choose?
In the wiki is mentioned, that I have to enter this in the preamble:

I don´t see where to find those styles.

The problem now is, that I don?t get an index. I have inserted a
BibTex-Index   and tried different styles. As far as I understood it
doesn?t matter, which one I choose. Or do I have to install a style

We are getting there.... You must now follow step 4 and 5 of the wiki

Yes. But now, although I did that, I still don´t get entries in my Bibliography, just the title "Literatur".
Thanks a lot, it seems I get close to a solution!


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