> Vincent wrote:
>> Jürgen Spitzmüller schreef:
>>> Ingar Pareliussen wrote:
>>> Could it be an idea to have a drop-down box instead, with the different
>>> groups to choose, and 'add new group' button?
>> Yes, this would definitely be a better UI.
>> Jürgen
> as in.. the current UI is brrrr... so if you have some spare time left :).

/me hides :)

more seriously, i have considered the ideas which are proposed now, but there
are many problems, which become aparent in the moment you try to implement
it. for example for the drop down menu you will need to touch the whole
document from _inside_ the graphics dialog while our api tries to keep them
separated and so on. it is doable but i started to have a headache even
thinking about the details. similar problems for new button.

although the proposed tooltips are more readable, they desrcibe different

but i agree that the current situation is not intuitive and without some
reading around user won't get the idea about the context menu. i can add one
sentence about the context menu to the tooltip.


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