Pavel Sanda <> writes:
> Manveru schreef:
>> I hadn't read this in manual, but from your explanations it seem to be
>> very user not-friendly feature. It is not natural to users entering
>> new name in that field every time they want new group. Without reading
>> the manual, people like I who mostly not read manuals at all cannot
>> understand how this feature works. But that is my private opinion.
> the group name is just part of the image settings, so filling up the name
> is similar as filling the 'new' latex parameters for the image. i have
> removed the confusing "Initialize" word and enriched the tooltips.
> another proposals i have seen up to now are not so easy to implement.

Could we have an 'editable combox', that allows either to enter a new
name or to click on the arrow and pick an already existing name?


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