> >> The other way around: Can't we use this to visualize our track
> >> changes in the output document ?
> >
> > Wouldn't you want the review/accept/reject functionality? 
> >   
> I think the suggestion was to use these macros in our output, not to 
> change anything that happens inside LyX.


That would be another totally useless feature. Just like the "change
tracking" feature currently available, but unfortunately totally useless
for Real Work (tm), as it is just a braindead clone of the
functionality provided by MS Word & Co..

What is needed for collaborative document authoring in the Real World
(such as companies) is:

- a built-in subversion client (already available)
- diffing of two versions from the subverion repository with output
_within_ _LyX_ using the "change tracking" display style, with
per-modification accept/reject functionality.

I've been authoring technical documents for twenty years now and
that this functionality is an absolute "must" für efficient
collaborative document authoring was perfectly obvious to me from the
very first day when I saw what revision control systems are and how
they are used by software developers.



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