On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 02:07 +0100, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> Hi Niko!

Sorry for the incomplete answer before. You need to copy-paste the
commands in the LaTeX preamble. In LyX: Document > Settings... > LaTeX

* Also, I've removed (in this post) some commands I pasted in my first
post which I use with the book(KOMA-Script) document class for multiple

> ======================================================================
> \usepackage{kerkis}

> \date{}

> %part
> \AtBeginDocument{%
> \renewcommand\partname{\textgreek{M\char232roc}}%
> }
> % abstract
> \AtBeginDocument{%
> \renewcommand\abstractname{\textgreek{Per\char208lhyh}}%
> }
> % contents
> \AtBeginDocument{%
> \renewcommand{\contentsname}{\textgreek{Perieq\char236mena}}%
> }
> % indexname
> \renewcommand\indexname{\textgreek{Euret\char160rio}}
> % list of figure and figure floats
> \AtBeginDocument{%
> \renewcommand\listfigurename{\textgreek{Euret\char160rio}
> \textgreek{eik
> \char236nwn}}%
> }
> \renewcommand{\f...@figure}{\textgreek{eik\char236na}~\thefigure}
> % list of tables and table floats
> \AtBeginDocument{%
> \renewcommand\listtablename{\textgreek{Euret\char160rio}
> \textgreek{pin
> \char136kwn}}%
> }
> \renewcommand{\f...@table}{\textgreek{p\char208nakac}~\thetable}
> % bibliography
> \AtBeginDocument{%
> \renewcommand{\bibname}{\textgreek{Anafor\char232c}}%
> }
> % references
> \AtBeginDocument{%
> \renewcommand{\refname}{\textgreek{Anafor\char232c}}% alternatively:
> {\textgreek{Phg\char232c}
> }
> % appendix
> \AtBeginDocument{%
> \renewcommand\appendixname{\textgreek{Par\char136rthma}}%
> }
> ===========================================================================

If I can be of any further help please let me know although I am also
new in LyX/LaTeX.

Χαιρετίσματα, Νίκος

Υ.Γ. Τώρα μόλις είδα το arcor.de. Όποτε θελήσεις μπορώ να σου στείλω

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