Marcelo Acuña schreef:
Before releasing 1.6.0 there were a number of bugs
which depended on the location of the cursor at the time of
right-clicking. Maybe this helps you ......
I mean, there happen strange things if you right-click on a
certain inset A.. keep the mouse down and then release it at
another inset B. Now, the context menu of inset A is
requested, but the enabling of items is dependent on inset
B. This enabling/disabling is done via the getStatus
mechanism, and that's exactly what I see in your
backtrace. Maybe your tried to right-click the comment, but
incidentally released the mouse at a neighbouring inset,
which couldn't properly handle the
"next-inset-modify" command and kaboom....  just

 I have same problem that Stefano but when I writing, not when I make a mouse 
Yes, .. Stefano came across another problem.. but the good news is that his original problem (and yours) has disappeared :).


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