Joachim Osnabryg wrote:
Konrad Hofbauer schrieb:
Have you changed something in your python installation
(e.g., installed python3)?

Months ago, I installed MacPorts, because I wanted to use rtf2latex2e (with LaTeX and LyX).

I did some other install and uninstall with MacPorts meanwhile, the uninstalls I did carefully first asking the port dependencies. (But I'm not really familiar with MacPort.)

Because of your question I asked now "port installed" and that gave back inter alia:

python25 @2.5.4_0+darwin_8+macosx (active)
python_select @0.2.1_0+darwin_8 (active)

So, not python3.

But probably an incomplete python25 installed by macports, i.e., you are missing some modules (the py25-.... stuff in macports).

You can either

1) run lyx2lyx from terminal, try to find out which modules it is missing and install those from macports or

2) re-select Apple's built-in python as default python using
python_select -l
to see what are your options and then
sudo python_select the_one_with_apple_in_the_name
where the_one_with_apple_in_the_name is probably python23-apple (since you are on Tiger).

Is python necessary for or obstructive to LyX?


Which python has to be installed?

python 2.x

Could installing the actual LyX version 1.6.1 once again (over the existing) help?

You can try - in case it's something else than python.


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