Hallo All 



 I am really frustrated, and in lack of time! 

Ok I am using lyx to write my thesis, following are my document settings and


Document Class: report

Line spacing: Single

Page layout: A4

Headings style :plain

Two sided document


Margins: Top: 45 mm

                  Bottom: 45mm

                 Inner: 30mm

                 Outer: 40mm

               Head step: 35mm 

               Head height: 15mm

                 Foot skip: 35mm


Floar Placement: here definitely


Latex preamble: \usepackage{ %a4wide,

ellipsis, fixltx2e, mparhack, %Fehlerkorrektur für Marginalien

booktabs, longtable %schönere Tabellen



\usepackage{ifpdf} % part of the hyperref bundle

\ifpdf % if pdflatex is used



Now I have following problems, my images end up sometime creating huge gaps
between image and paragraph etc. 

My paraghraps spaces are not formatted nicely 

And things like small skip medium skip etc is most of the time totally


I had one reply saying I should use: \nccparskip how do I write this into
the preamble, cuy if I just type this into the preamble I get an error code
during compiling pdf. 


Further I have attached one of these missformated images, plus its tex code.
One more thing I use both eps and jpg images in my text. 





Tex code generated by lyx: 


A smilar pattern

is presented in Fig. 4.3, as a comparison, one can see a larger scan

range, which is left out in our case, since a larger scan range yielded

in no extra information. From the phase diagram in Fig. 2.14 it is

evident that hematite + magnetite can form over a large range of different

enviornmental conditions. %



\caption[2$\theta-\theta$ scan of MgO substrate with iron oxide thin films
]{2$\theta-\theta$ scan of MgO substrate with iron oxide thin films

\cite{Soeya2002} }


 Studying the oxygen flow influence on film formation, it can be concluded

that lower oxygen content during deposition at a deposition pressure

of 3$\times$10$^{-2}$ mbar yields better formation of Fe$_{3}$O$_{4}$.

This is evident in a more pronounced shoulder on the MgO peak, which

is shown in Fig. 4.4. The figure shows in acending order the

scans of deposition runs in which O$_{2}$:Ar ratio have been varried.

This ratio is defined as $\frac{flow\, of\, oxygen\,[sccm]}{flow\, of\,

It can be seen that the shoulder becomes more prominent as the oxygen

level decreases, at the same time a broader peak is seen, further

indicating the formation of magnetite. The first lowes scan shows

the 2$\theta-\theta$ of a cleaned and annealed MgO substrate, the


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