Etienne lepercq wrote:

2009/4/13, Richard Heck < <>>:

    Etienne lepercq wrote:

        I am new to LyX, but not as new to LaTeX : I used Kile for
        quiet a few time
        now. I would like to use LyX to work with several people on an
        article. As LyX is
        much more user-friendly than Kile, a pure LaTeX editor, I
        convinced my
        collaborators to give a try to LyX.

        There is te least one thing in LyX (and LaTeX) that is not
        easy to handle,
        sharing a whole document to make it modifiable by others : one
        have to build
        an archive with all figures and latex source, collaborators
        have to untar
        it, open LyX, read/modify/etc... and then... rebuild archive,
        send the
        archive, etc...

        This is counter-productive, not easy to use, it is a pain. One
        solution I see for this is to give the ability to LyX to open,
        say .tar
        archives, with a specific tree inside (.yx sources, then
        figures/allFigures.Whatever or something). Such archive could
        be called
        .lyxZ files ;-)

        Does such feature exist already ? I searched over
        FAQ/Documentation/Asked on
        #LyX but did not find anything more than : two implementations
        were made
        once, but as nobody could say which was the best... none were
        released !!

        This is not _that_ complex to implement, but is there a way to
        have such
        feature now, or is there a way to at least release one
        implementation ?

    I agree with you that there is a way to do this that makes it
    quite simple, both to implement and to use. But it imposes
    restrictions on where you can put files, since you can't (and
    don't want to) untar to arbitrary locations in the filesystem.
    This bothered some people. And so it was disagreements over how to
    manage these sorts of issues that led to our not releasing
    anything. To my mind, this was a perfect example of the good being
    sacrificed for the non-existent best, but, well, I'd really rather
    not have that battle again.

    So, at present, the tar-untar routine is about all we can do.

    That said, if enough USERs thought the kind of facility you have
    mentioned here was worth implementing, I'd be willing to resurrect
    the work I did before and make it functional.


I _really_ think this is a must have: I know someone else that is willing to work with LyX and propose it to her teacher, but having to tar/untar ... will make it _very_ difficult to accept. Of course, you are right about the problem of where to untar temporary files (as with this approach, I think un-tared files should be considered as temporary files from the user's point of view) but currently LyX _does_ use temporary files when working with an unsaved document !

That's precisely what my old implementation did: untar to the temporary directory.

I think that preserving the same temporary path is not decreasing the quality of LyX, and adds a good feature (for some people, a must have, when compared to the workflow some have when working with WYSIWYG applications like OOo or MS-Word).

Yes, this model is similar to OOo, etc. Images and the like get "embedded" within the document and lose touch with where they came from. But it's a familiar model.

Does such feature-request be proposed (once again ;-) ) in the dev ML to better know if your previous work may be merged now, or if the same disagreements still exist ?

At least in some quarters, these worries still exist.

On the other hand, I think Vincent was working on this problem a while ago. I don't know how far he got.


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