E.Kaplan wrote:
> What I am discovering is, perhaps, some problem with my (original,
> large) bibtex file, which is several mb.  When I use the small test.lyx
> file it works fine with the test.bib file (once I removed the \putbib
> etc.).  The large bibtex file, however, does not work, even though it
> now produces no error messages, and it works perfectly (and did for
> years) with normal, non-sectioned bibliographies.  I have never tried it
> before with sectioned bibliographies, and there must be something in it
> which the bibtopic package gags on.
> I shall continue to explore it.  If worse comes to worse, I can make
> small bibtex files for each section, or break up the main article into
> two parts, and compile them separately, which will work for sure.
> Thanks for your help, Jurgen.

There might be helpful error messages if you run LyX from a console.


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