You will find the examples files if you "control click" the icon and choose to "show package content" in the folder that opens you will find the example folder in the Resourses folder that you will find inside the Contents folder.
On 18.5.2009, at 10:41, Daniela Müller wrote:


I´m a real newbie regarding LyX and LaTeX and I hope you are not too annoyed about my questions. I´ve searched the archive, but couldn´t find what I´m
looking for.

I´v just installed MacTeX (not the very-very latest distribution, but about
Nov/Dec 2008), which brings Tex Live 2008, and LyX 1.6.2 on a Mac OS X
10.4.11-machine (German language). And I was a good girl ;-) and have read
the introduction and the tutorial fromm the help menu.

And so here comes my problem: I cannot find the example files, expecially the tuturial files beispiel_roh.lyx and beispiel_gelyxt.lyx as I don ´t have a button "examples" after file -> open. The first idea was to look in the
Application Support folder, but there is nothing. The system directory
information says, the ressources are in, but - this is an app, I
cannot browse this like a folder (you see, I´m a little bit confused).
Finally, I tried to find the tutorial files with the search-function of the
Finder (cmd f), but this was a wild goose chase, too.

Could anybody help me, please (or can tell me, where to get help)?


Bjarnþór G. Kolbeins
Deildarstjóri í STÆRÐFRÆÐI
Fjölbrautaskóla Vesturlands á Akranesi
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