Thanks Uwe,

I conclude that you don't think there is no obvious core toolkit of companion programs for Lyx.

But its interesting you use Origin rather than some of the open source options.


Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Graham Smith schrieb:

So would anyone like to suggest a basic LyX toolkit, that would cover the range of things we tend to do when producing scientific papers and technical reports.

That strongly depends on your research field. As physicist I use for example Origin
that is only available commercially only for Windows while my colleagues on Linux use a free Origin clone like
But the program you are using doesn't matter since you can create PDF images with all these programs and use them in LyX.

For illustrations we use Inkscape
both programs output either PDF or SVG that can be opened and modified with many other programs. For exact illustrations containing dimensions you can use a CAD program of your choice. You can create PDF images from all CAD programs.

As you can see you are free to use any program you like, only assure that you get your images as a vector graphic, if possible as PDF. (Other vector graphics output formats like EPS and SVG can easily be converted PDF with free software.)

regards Uwe

Graham M Smith

Station Cottage, Station Road
Binegar, Somerset

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