On 2009-05-25, Robert Neumann wrote:
> Guenter Milde <mi...@...> writes:

> I found a solution which is acceptable for me: I export it from
> CorelDraw as a grayscale-Gif. This works fairly well, at least I can
> life with that... Regards Robert

Fine. Generally, JPEG is not suited for drawings or any images with
sharp lines. It is designed for fotographies with smoth gradients.
If it worked well with some images, this might just be a coincidence.

The rule of thumb I use is

* if possible, use a vector format (SVG, PDF, EPS)

* for a pixel graphic with few colours and sharp lines, use a
  lossless pixel comprssion (PNG or GIF, TIFF)
* for photo images (smoth gradient, many colours) use JPEG.


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