Murray E:
> I don't want to direct these messages about lyx to some special folder 
> (I can do that later if I wish).  I just want to be able to tell at a 
> glance from the Subject showing in Thunderbird that the message is for 
> the lyx-users group.
> As somebody else wrote, all the other mailing lists to which I belong 
> automatically include some sort of prefix in the Subject indicating the 
> list.  E.g., [mg...] for mathgroup (Mathematica); [WinEdt] for 
> winedt+list; [yandytex] for the yandytex list at tug.

For R it's [R], grass-gis [GRASS], qgis [QGIS] etc. I tend to agree that
it's not a bad idea to have [LyX] in the Subject. What speaks against

Kindest regards, Nikos

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