Hello All,

I want to do a respectable export of to something that Word can open for
final submission to a journal. My document has bibtex references and
multiple figures (present as floats from which I have removed the actual
graphics file because I only need the text in my export).  After a lot of
experimenting the best looking output so far comes from Export to HTML (MS
Word).  However although the main body of the text and the citations and
reference list come out ok the figures are causing trouble.  Specifically
the cross references to figures in the text are all rendered as ??.

I'm sure this is an FAQ, but I've searched both wiki and archives and can't
seem to find anything.  I would really appreciate any help at this point.

Suggestions for alternative export paradigms are also welcome but for me:

1) Export to ODT produces a corrupt output file.
2) Export to RTF does not render citations but just produces the labels (ie
\citep{root2008} in the source goes to root2008 in the output)

Thank you so much for your help,

Greg Jefferis.

LyX 1.6.2 on Mac 10.5.6
Gregory Jefferis, PhD
Division of Neurobiology
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Hills Road,        
Cambridge, CB2 0QH, UK.


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