Replying to my own question:

On 2009-06-03 22:40, "Gregory Jefferis" <> wrote:

> I want to do a respectable export of to something that Word can open for final
> submission to a journal. My document has bibtex references and multiple
> figures (present as floats from which I have removed the actual graphics file
> because I only need the text in my export).  After a lot of experimenting the
> best looking output so far comes from Export to HTML (MS Word).  However
> although the main body of the text and the citations and reference list come
> out ok the figures are causing trouble.  Specifically the cross references to
> figures in the text are all rendered as ??.

It seems that there is an interaction with the babel package.  When I turn
off babel, export of figure cross references work fine. Perhaps my babel
(from MacTex2008) is broken - I have not tried to update.

(Preferences ... Language ... Language Settings: Use babel checkbox)

> Suggestions for alternative export paradigms are also welcome but for me:
> 1) Export to ODT produces a corrupt output file.

This is also true for Open Document (ODT) export which previously zipped up
all of the latex intermediate files in the temporary directory producing a
file that was unintelligible to OpenOffice.

Best wishes,


> LyX 1.6.2 on Mac 10.5.6

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