I haven't used Lyx or LaTeX for some time, so things have changed, if I ever knew..

1) If I create a document with blank style, or from the letter template, when I add a URL link it does not work, either in xdvi or PDF.

If I add the following preamble (stolen from the
UserGuide source) in Document/Settings, it works:
\ifpdf % if pdflatex
  \hypersetup{ pdftitle = {Test}, pdfauthor = {My Name}, pdfsubject = {Example}}
\else % if dvi or ps is produced

- figured this out on the fly while composing this message

Naively, I would expect links to work if I create them using the GUI and check "generate hyperlink".

2) Is there a graphical "diff" utility - if a document is updated, either using Lyx version control, or externally using SVN, is there a way to generate graphical differences, e.g. mark up document in red/blue for added/deleted sections as in tkdiff ?

3) Is there an HTML output filter ? latex2html is too old and fails miserably on Lyx exported latex.

4) Is it possible to choose which PDF output filter to use on the command line ? "lyx -e pdf" uses dvips, which gives me "Bad bounding box in Type 3 glyph" in xpdf and does not create the PDF metadata (title, author etc - nice for search engines)

On Scientific Lunix 5.3 (=~ CENTOS =~ RHEL) I have
xpdf 3.02
acroread 9.1.0

Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada

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